Are Pomeranians Brachycephalic? | How To Identify A Brachycephalic Dog

Last updated on March 23rd, 2023 at 07:12 am

One of the dog breeds popularly because they are brachycephalic is the Pomeranian. However, many people think Pomeranians don’t have brachycephalic heads. Here are Pomeranians’ brachycephalic

Are Pomeranians Brachycephalic
Are Pomeranians Brachycephalic

What is Brachycephaly?

Brachycephaly refers to a condition characterized by a broad and short head. There are a variety of factors that can cause this condition, including genetic abnormalities, medical conditions, and even environmental factors. Brachycephaly can be mild in some cases and cause no significant problems. 

There are, however, cases in which it can cause serious health problems, such as respiratory issues, feeding problems, and developmental delays. Surgery, physical therapy, and other medical interventions are typically used to treat brachycephaly, depending on its severity.

What are brachycephalic dogs?

Dogs with brachycephalic faces have short noses and flat faces. There are numerous breeds of short-headed dogs worldwide, including the English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Pug, and Boston Terrier. Because of their unique anatomy, brachycephalic dogs are prone to many health issues. 

A few of these problems include difficulty breathing, overheating, and issues with the eyes and skin. The friendly dispositions and cute appearances of brachycephalic dogs make them popular pets despite their health concerns.

What are brachycephalic dogs?
What are brachycephalic dogs?

Are Pomeranians brachycephalic?

Yes, Pomeranians are brachycephalic. Their skulls are short and broad. A dog with this characteristic is bred to be a companion animal, so they appear more cuddly and friendly. 

The shape of the skull can cause several health problems, including respiratory difficulties and increased heat stroke risk. When exercising Pomeranians in hot weather, it is essential to take care.

What are the different types of brachycephalic?

Brachycephalic dogs come in three main types: short-muzzled, flat-faced, and pug-nosed. All three types are prone to health problems that are distinctive to their physical characteristics.

What are the different types of brachycephalic
What are the different types of brachycephalic


There are a variety of breeds of dogs with short muzzles, including bulldogs and boxers, who have short snouts and deep chests. Heat stroke and other respiratory problems are common in these dogs.


The snouts and faces of breeds with flat fronts are short, such as pugs and Boston terriers. As well as respiratory problems, these dogs may also have difficulty controlling their body temperature.


The snouts and faces of pug-nosed breeds such as Shih Tzus and Pekingese are long, narrow, and flat. The dogs in this category may snore, snort, or wheeze due to various respiratory problems. Eye problems are also more common in them.

How to identify a brachycephalic dog.

Method 1

A brachycephalic dog has a flat skull and a short snout, which can result in breathing problems and other health problems. Here are steps to identifying a brachycephalic dog:

  1. This can be seen by examining the dog’s head shape. Brachycephalic dogs have a narrow skull and a short, flattened snout, giving them a very distinctive appearance, such as a round head and a pushed-in face.
  2. A brachycephalic dog may have difficulty breathing when exercising or in warm weather. This is one of the most noticeable signs of brachycephalic dogs. Be aware of signs of labored breathing, such as panting with the mouth open or flared nostrils. Listen for snoring or wheezing sounds.
  3. You should also observe the dog’s eyes. Brachycephalic dogs may have large, wide-set eyes that may protrude slightly from the skull. This may increase the risk of eye injuries or infections.
  4. A brachycephalic dog may be small in size, but many common breeds are small, such as Pugs, French Bulldogs, and Boston Terriers. If the dog is small and has a flattened skull shape, it may be a brachycephalic dog.
  5. It is also important to keep an eye out for other signs of specific breed traits, including curly tails, short coats, and wrinkled skin in brachycephalic dogs.

Method 2

When it comes to identifying a dog with a brachycephalic head, there are several things you can look for. 

  • The first thing to look at is the overall shape of the head. Dogs with brachycephalic heads have short and wide heads with flat faces. 
  • The second thing to look at is the muzzle. The muzzles of brachycephalic dogs are short, and their nostrils are often flared. 
  • The dog’s body can also help you identify whether the dog is brachycephalic. The body of a brachycephalic dog will be short and stout, and its legs will be brief. 
  • The behavior of the dog can be observed. Bruxycephalic dogs often snore and snort, and they may have breathing difficulties.
  • Take a look at the eyes. The eyes of brachycephalic dogs are often bulging, and the eyelids can be wrinkled.
  • You can always ask your veterinarian if you are unsure if a dog is brachycephalic. They can assist you in identifying the dog and provide you with more information about its care.
How to identify a brachycephalic dog.
How to identify a brachycephalic dog.

What is the future of brachycephalic dogs?

Some people argue over the future of the brachycephalic dog, which is a popular pet choice. It has been suggested that brachycephalic dogs will eventually be banned from breeding due to their health problems. 

However, some believe the problems can be bred out of the dogs by choosing breeding stock carefully. The preferences of pet buyers will likely determine the future of brachycephalic dogs.

How to pick the right brachycephalic dog


How to pick the right brachycephalic dog

When choosing the right brachycephalic dog for your home, it is essential to keep certain things in mind.

Step: 1

You should consider the size of the dog you are looking for. From small breeds like the Affenpinscher to larger species like the Bullmastiff, brachycephalic dogs come in various sizes. 

Step: 2

Consider what type of coat you prefer. Short, smooth coats are standard in some brachycephalic dogs, whereas long, shaggier coats are standard in others. 

Step: 3

Your lifestyle needs to be considered, as well as whether you want an energetic playmate or a laid-back companion. 


Do your research before deciding whether to adopt a brachycephalic dog. Your family will surely benefit from a brachycephalic dog if you carefully plan and think about it.

Is BOAS present in all brachycephalic dogs?

In brachycephalic dogs, BOAS may or may not be present. The presence of BOAS is not universally believed to be present in brachycephalic dogs; some experts believe that it is present in only a subset of them. 

However, there does appear to be a vast majority of brachycephalic dogs with BOAS. BOAS is very common in brachycephalic dogs, even if the exact prevalence may be disputed.

What is BOAS in Dogs?

An underdeveloped respiratory system can lead to difficulty breathing in dogs with BOAS. Tracheal and bronchial abnormalities cause narrowing of the airways due to abnormal development. In severe cases, BOAS can result in respiratory distress and even death. A dog’s environment can be managed to reduce stress and respiratory irritants, as well as surgery to correct abnormalities and medication to manage symptoms.

Related Questions

Which dog breed is brachycephalic?

Affenpinschers, Brussels Griffons, Dogue de Bordeaux, Japanese Chins, Lhasa Apsos, Brasileiros, and Pekingese are other brachycephalic breeds.

What are brachycephalic snub-nosed dogs?

A snub-nosed dog has a short nose (also called a brachycephalic breed). The respiratory problems these dogs suffer under normal circumstances are also more likely to occur during air travel.

Are brachycephalic dogs unhealthy?

Researchers from the Royal Veterinary College found that flat-faced (brachycephalic) breeds, like Chihuahuas, pugs, French bulldogs, and British bulldogs, are less healthy than dogs with non-brachycephalic faces.

What dogs can’t breed naturally?

It isn’t elementary to give birth to many breeds of brachycephalic dogs. In British bulldogs, French bulldogs, and Pugs, large heads, broad shoulders, and narrow pelvises are deliberately bred, resulting in large pups whose heads and shoulders cannot pass through their mothers’ pelvises.

Why do people have brachycephalic dogs?

Despite previous RVC studies indicating that owners initially love brachycephalic breeds because of their distinctive appearance, this latest study suggests that behavior traits are a core component of why owners ‘love’ their breed and recommend it to others; essentially, owners prefer the breed’s appearance.


A brachycephalic breed, Pomeranians have a short and broad muzzle that can lead to breathing difficulties. Their flattened face makes it difficult for them to breathe through their nose and tiny nostrils. Several problems can result from this, including snoring, snorting, and even reverse sneezing. 

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