Pets & Animals

Why Do Pomeranians Howl & What Makes Pomeranian Howl

The Pomeranian is a small dog believed to descend from sled dogs, wolves, and terriers. They are lively dogs, enjoying playing and bouncing about in the park. Their name comes from Pomerania, an area in northern Europe. Queen Victoria had many of these dogs, known as pocket dogs. Here are So do Pomeranians howl

Do Pomeranians HowlDo Pomeranians Howl
Do Pomeranians Howl

Do Pomeranians howl?

Dogs are capable of howling, and Pomeranians are no exception. Howling can express various emotions, including excitement, fear, loneliness, and hunger, and Pomeranians do so often. 

If your Pomeranian is howling excessively, you should check with your veterinarian to ensure they are not suffering from any medical issues. Pomeranians may also howl whenever high-pitched sounds such as sirens or music are heard.

Why do pomeranian howl?

The Pomeranian is a small breed of dog, but it is known for having a big personality.

Why do pomeranian howl?


Howling is one of the things Pomeranians are known for. They howl for several reasons. They may howl to communicate with other dogs, get their owners’ attention, or express happiness and excitement. 


Pomeranians may also howl when they are bored or lonely. Regardless, howling is a characteristic of this breed of dog. Furthermore, Pomeranians may howl when they are bored or anxious. Pomeranians release their energy by howling, which helps them cope with boredom and stress.

Types of Pomeranian howling.

It is possible to hear different types of Pomeranian howling.

Types of Pomeranian howling.

Usual howl:

A typical pomeranian howl is a long, sustained note that starts on a low pitch and is gradually raised to a higher pitch. This type of howl is used to communicate with other Pomeranians or to alert other animals to the presence of a pomeranian. 


An animal may also bark to warn or startle another animal with its bark-howl. It is a shorter, more abrupt howl.

Wail howl:

As a final response to pain or distress, the Pomeranian will “wail.” This is a high-pitched, prolonged howl.

Distress howling:

A Pomeranian experiencing anxiety, fear, stress, or anxiety is likely to howl in distress. This howling usually has a high-pitched, prolonged, and often repetitive sound. 

Content howling:

In contrast, content howling is typically characterized by a lower pitch, shorter, less repetitive vocalization, and generally is emitted when a pomeranian is happy or excited.

What makes pomeranian howl?

Dogs like Pomeranians are renowned for their distinctive howling, which is one of the reasons why they are so vocal. Pomeranians are known for howling for many reasons, including boredom, fear, anxiety, and excitement. If Pomeranians feel happy or excited, they might let out a cheerful howl to express their feelings. Howling is a form of communication for Pomeranians. 

It is, however, possible for a pomeranian to howl to warn others of danger when it is anxious or fearful. When it comes to communicating with other dogs, howling can be an effective method. In addition to howling, Pomeranians may bellow when they hear sirens or loud sounds.

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What makes pomeranian howl?

How does Pomeranian sound when they howl?

Step: 1

There are many breeds of dogs, but one of the most popular breeds is the Pomeranian. Pomeranians are known for their small size, cute appearance, and friendly personalities. Pomeranians also howl with a high-pitched, mournful sound.

Step: 2

Pomeranians communicate by howling. It is often used to express emotions, such as when they are happy, sad, or excited. They may also howl for attention or to give other dogs directions.

Step: 3

You should consult your veterinarian if your Pomeranian is howling excessively, as this may signify distress. Pomeranians usually howl for short periods, but some may howl for more extended periods if they are upset or excited.

How do you stop your Pomeranian from barking?

Method 1

The following steps will help you stop your Pomeranian from barking excessively:

  1. First, you should identify what causes your Pomeranian to bark excessively. Is it boredom, fear, anxiety, or excitement? Understanding the cause will allow you to address the problem more effectively.
  2. The “quiet” command can be taught once you have identified the trigger. You should begin by saying “quiet” in a firm but calm voice when your dog barks. Treat them and praise them when they stop barking. Your Pomeranian must be trained to associate the “quiet” command with the halting of barking by repeating the exercise consistently.
  3. It is important to provide your Pomeranian with plenty of physical and mental stimulation through daily walks, playtime, and training to prevent boredom and excessive barking.
  4. If your Pomeranian is barking out of fear or anxiety, desensitization training may be helpful. Begin by exposing your dog to the trigger at a low intensity and gradually increase the intensity. Reward your Pomeranian for calm behavior and gradually reduce the intensity of the trigger until your dog is no longer barking excessively.
  5. When it comes to stopping excessive barking, consistency is crucial. Be consistent with your training, and avoid reinforcing barking behavior by giving treats or attention when your Pomeranian barks. It may take some time and effort to modify this behavior, as barking is a natural behavior of dogs.
  6. You may find it helpful to seek the advice of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist if your Pomeranian continues to bark excessively despite your best efforts. They can provide you with personalized advice and support.

Method 2

It is possible to limit the excessive howling of your Pomeranian if you follow a few steps. 

How do you stop your Pomeranian from barking?
  • The first step to stopping a howling dog is to figure out what is causing the sound. If your dog is howling for attention, provide him with positive reinforcement when he is quiet. Positive reinforcement could include treats, petting, or verbal praise.
  • Provide a calming environment and plenty of socialization opportunities if he is howling out of anxiety or stress.
  • A veterinarian or behaviorist may be able to find a more comprehensive solution if the howling persists.
  • Providing your Pomeranian with toys and chewable treats is the best way to keep them from howling. For example, you can give them stuffed animals or Kong toys filled with peanut butter.
  • Eat a healthy diet and ensure the pet gets all the nutrients it needs – this can help reduce stress and anxiety levels that trigger howling.
  • As a final note, ensure that your Pomeranian has plenty of exercise – a tired pomeranian is a happy pomeranian.

Do Pomeranians make good pets?

This breed is one of the most popular small dog breeds, and it’s easy to understand why. Pomeranians are intelligent, affectionate, and energetic dogs that make great companions. And Poms can be trained relatively quickly and are good with children. 

Do Pomeranians make good pets?

Exercising Pomeranians regularly is essential and ensuring they don’t bark excessively if left alone for too long. Overall, Pomeranians make great pets for people looking for a small, active breed that is loving and friendly.


What does it mean when a Pomeranian howls?

It is instinctive to howl and can be triggered by underlying problems, the sound of emergency sirens, or a musical instrument. Some dogs howl in response to high-pitched sounds like emergency sirens or musical instruments.

Why does my Pomeranian howl at night?

The most commonly known meaning of a dog howling at night is that it suffers from anxiety, separation anxiety, to be specific. Howling by your pet is a way for your pet to ask you for your attention. Newly adopted puppies or puppies in their infancy tend to display this behavior.

What makes a dog howl like a wolf?

According to Rover, howls may be used to express fear, anxiety, and sadness and convey their need for comfort. These howls occur when dogs suffer from separation anxiety and are left unattended.

Is howling stressful for dogs?

Nothing is more intuitive for dogs than howling, which they consider part of their pack. Sometimes the howling is simply a response to your nose, or they are anxious, but most of the time, it is merely just for fun, just joining in with you.

Can female dogs howl?

Besides, female dogs may howl when they are in the heat; however, boredom is the main reason for this behavior. A female dog is more likely to become bored and uncomfortable during the heat than at other times. When dogs hear other dogs howl, they will also start howling.


Dogs of the Pomeranian breed make a lot of noise for a small breed. If you own a Pomeranian, you probably notice that they make various sounds, from shrill yelps to raspy howls. In addition to barking and growling, Pomeranians are intelligent, confident, and bold little dogs who don’t seem bothered by a bit of noise.

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