Pets & Animals

The Ultimate Guide To What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

It’s great to know that Pomeranians can eat almost anything when it comes to food. They are very picky eaters about their food preferences. So, if you’re wondering what food Pomeranians eat, you’ll be glad to know that they can eat just about anything. Here are what food can Pomeranians not eat

What food can Pomeranians not eat?

Pomeranians are small, active dogs that need a high-quality diet to stay healthy. While they can eat a variety of foods, there are some foods that Pomeranians should not eat. These include:

1. Avocados:

A Pomeranian is a small breed of dog, and because of this, they are delicate with their digestive systems. Avocados are one of these foods that they cannot consume. 

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?
What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

If you have a Pomeranian, you should avoid feeding them avocado-containing foods. Even small amounts of avocado can cause vomiting and diarrhea in Pomeranians, and in severe cases, it can lead to dehydration and even death. Avocados contain a substance called persin, which is toxic to dogs.

2. Non-Ripe:

Despite their small size, Pomeranians have a delicate digestive system, and non-ripe foods can cause stomach upset. Pomeranians should, therefore, eat ripe, easily digestible foods, such as apples, bananas, and mangoes. Pomeranians should only be fed foods that are ripe enough. Err on the side of caution and don’t feed them any food that isn’t ripe enough.

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

3. Fatty Meat and Fat Trimmings:

A Pomeranian has a delicate stomach, so it is essential to take care of what it eats. Fatty meat and fat trimmings are two things that Pomeranians should avoid eating. The dog may suffer from gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and vomiting if he eats fatty meat, while fat trimmings can block his intestines. Watch for any signs of illness if your Pomeranian eats fatty meat or fat trimmings, and contact your veterinarian immediately.

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

4. Eggplant:

It is not recommended for Pomeranians to eat eggplants. Eggplants are members of the nightshade family, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers. These vegetables can cause stomach problems in dogs if consumed in large amounts. 

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

The compound solanine in eggplants can also be toxic to dogs in high concentrations. If your Pomeranian consumes eggplant, observe them for signs of gastrointestinal distress, such as vomiting or diarrhea.

5. Onions:

Pomeranians shouldn’t eat onions because they contain a compound called thiosulfate, which can be toxic to dogs when consumed in large quantities. Your Pomeranian can suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness if they eat onions. If you suspect your dog has eaten onions, immediately contact your veterinarian.

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

6. Chocolate:

Pomeranians cannot eat chocolate food. Chocolate contains a toxic compound known as theobromine, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and even death in dogs. It is best to avoid giving Pomeranians any chocolate food, as even a tiny amount can be dangerous to them.

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

7. Garlic:

The best thing you can do for your Pomeranian is to avoid feeding him garlic. While garlic is not toxic to dogs, it can cause an upset stomach and digestive problems. You should also avoid giving your dog garlic because it can also cause bad breath and body odour.

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

8. Dough:

It is generally considered that Pomeranian dogs are healthy breeds, but there are some foods they shouldn’t eat. If your Pomeranian ingests dough, it will cause serious health problems. It will expand in their stomach and cause bloating, pain, and vomiting. It’s essential to take your Pomeranian to the vet as soon as possible if it ingests dough.

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

9. Leeks:

A Pomeranian is a small breed of a very playful and active dog. It is also known that Pomeranians are very food-motivated, which means they eat pretty much anything you give them. However, leeks are one of the foods Pomeranians shouldn’t eat.

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

The substance found in leeks, called thiosulfate, can be fatal for dogs if they consume even a tiny amount, so if your Pomeranian consumes even a small amount of leeks, seek veterinary attention immediately.

10. Nutmeg:

It is essential to keep in mind that Pomeranians are active, small dogs, and as such, they require a high-protein, low-fat diet. Nutmeg is not necessarily high in fat, but it is not recommended for these dogs. 

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

It is because of a compound in nutmeg called myristicin, which is toxic to dogs in large quantities. Pomeranians are not harmful to myristicin in small amounts but can cause gastrointestinal upset, so it is best to avoid giving nutmeg to Pomeranians.

11. Spicy Peppers:

Pomeranian dogs are small, delicate dogs, so they shouldn’t eat certain foods. Spicy peppers, for example, may not harm a Pomeranian if consumed in small amounts. Still, they can cause stomach and intestinal irritation in large quantities, resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. Watch for these symptoms if your Pomeranian consumes spicy peppers, and contact your veterinarian if they occur.

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

12. Mushrooms:

Pomeranians can’t eat certain foods because they are small, delicate dogs. One of those things is mushrooms. Many mushrooms are poisonous, but some are safe for humans and other animals. Since Pomeranians are so small, even a tiny amount of toxic mushrooms can harm them. 

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

13. Grapes:

Even a few grapes can cause a Pomeranian to become ill, so it is best not to eat grapes. Despite being notoriously picky eaters, Pomeranian dogs should not eat grapes. Grapes contain a compound called resveratrol, which can be toxic to dogs in large quantities. If your Pomeranian eats grapes, look for vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy and contact your veterinarian immediately.

What Food Can Pomeranians Not Eat?

14. Currants:

A current is a berry often used for baking, jams, and jellies. While most dogs can eat currants, Pomeranians should not eat them. When currants are metabolized, cyanogenic glycosides can release cyanide gas. This can cause respiratory distress, irregular heartbeats, and even death. You should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible if you suspect your Pomeranian has eaten currants.

15. Persimmons:

It is important to note that Pomeranians have a delicate digestive system because they are a small dog breed. The Pomeranian can eat many human foods, but some are potentially harmful. One such food is persimmons. The tannin in persimmons can cause stomach upset and diarrhea in dogs. Even if a small amount of persimmons is not detrimental to your dog, it is best to avoid giving them this fruit. 

16. Cherries:

It is a breed known to be highly active and playful because of its small size and intelligence. They are also known for being very food-motivated, which means they will pretty much eat anything they can get their hands on, but cherries are one of the foods Pomeranians should not eat.

Dogs are poisoned by cyanide, a chemical found in cherries. Even a tiny amount of cyanide can cause your Pomeranian to become very ill, even fatally. Dogs poisoned by cyanide exhibit symptoms such as panting, drooling, weakness, seizures, and collapse. Take your Pomeranian to the vet as soon as possible if you suspect they have eaten any cherries or are showing any of the above symptoms.

17. Peaches:

Even though Pomeranian dogs are generally healthy, there are some foods they shouldn’t eat. Peach is an example of a food that they should not consume. Peaches contain cyanogenic glycoside, which can release cyanide gas when digested. Even small amounts of this gas can be fatal to dogs. Watch for signs of distress if your Pomeranian eats a peach. If you see any of these signs, take your dog to the vet immediately.

18. Plums:

When metabolized by plums, cyanogenic glycosides can release cyanide gas, causing respiratory distress, gastrointestinal upset, and even death in Pomeranians. You should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible if you suspect your Pomeranian has eaten a plum or any other food on this list.

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19. Salt:

A Pomeranian is a small dog breed, meaning it cannot handle large amounts of salt in its diet. Pomeranians should not be fed salt-heavy foods because too much can cause dehydration and other health problems. If you want to give your Pomeranian a salty treat, keep it in moderation and provide plenty of fresh water for them to drink. This includes things like chips, pretzels, and other salty snacks.

20. Dairy Foods:

Due to their small size and active nature, Pomeranian dogs have a very high metabolism, which means they require a diet high in protein, fat, and low in carbohydrates to maintain their energy levels. As dairy products contain high amounts of carbohydrates, they are not the best choice for Pomeranian pets. 

You can, however, give your Pomeranian dairy foods in moderation, such as yogurt and cottage cheese. You should choose a dairy product that is low in carbohydrates and high in protein, like Greek yogurt if you are feeding it dairy.

21. Rawhide Bones:

Pomeranians should not be fed rawhide bones because they can be choking hazards. In addition to gastrointestinal problems, Pomeranians can suffer from choking if they overeat rawhide. Instead of giving your Pomeranian rawhide bones, choose a dog food specifically designed for them.

22. Cheese:

Pomeranians suffer from digestive issues, and cheese can be challenging to digest. Moreover, cheese is loaded with fat, so Pomeranians are prone to weight gain. For these reasons, it is best to avoid feeding your Pomeranian cheese. Pomeranians can eat a variety of other foods that are safe for them to eat, so you shouldn’t worry about them missing out.

23. Wild Mushrooms:

It is known that Pomeranians are intelligent and loyal dogs that are picky eaters, and wild mushrooms are one of the foods that Pomeranians should not be eating.

Mushrooms can be found in many habitats, including woods, fields, and gardens. While some mushrooms are safe to eat, others can be poisonous, so they can also be found in your home if there is enough moisture. Wild mushrooms can be particularly dangerous because it can be hard to determine which ones are safe to eat.

24. Pecans:

Pomeranians, petite and playful dogs, commonly eat pecans as a snack. In addition to being a popular nut for baking and cooking, pecans are also a popular snack food. Even though pecans are safe for humans, they can be dangerous for Pomeranians. In Pomeranians, a toxin present in pecans can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. You need to seek immediate veterinary care if your dog ingests pecans.

25. Walnuts:

A Pomeranian is a small, active dog with a relatively high metabolic rate. This means they need a diet high in protein and fat to maintain their energy levels. Unfortunately, walnuts are not appropriate for Pomeranians.

Even though walnuts are good for humans, they can be too much for a Pomeranian’s system to handle. As well as being high in fat, walnuts contain a substance called tannin that can be toxic to dogs. Even a small amount of walnuts can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal issues in Pomeranians. Consequently, it is best to avoid giving Pomeranians nuts, including walnuts.

26. Macadamia Nuts:

In addition to causing gastrointestinal upset and potentially more severe problems, macadamia nuts are not recommended for Pomeranians. Although some Pomeranians may be able to tolerate small amounts of macadamia nuts without a problem, it’s best to avoid feeding them to your Pom altogether.

27. Candy, Gum and Toothpaste:

The Pomeranians have a delicate digestive system because they are a small dog breed. Candy, gum, and toothpaste may all cause problems for Pomeranians. Dogs can become overweight and suffer from other health problems if they eat candy or gum containing high sugar levels. Fluoride can be toxic to dogs if used in toothpaste.

28. Baked Goods and Sweets:

Despite Pomeranians enjoying sweet treats from time to time, some baked goods and sweets should be avoided because they contain ingredients that can harm them, such as chocolate, raisins, or sugar. 

You should avoid feeding your Pomeranian these foods. They may not be harmful in small quantities, but it’s best to refrain from doing so altogether. If you’re looking for dog-friendly treats, there are plenty of options for your Pomeranian.

29. Caffeinated Drinks:

Pomeranians cannot eat caffeine-based beverages. The caffeine in caffeine-based drinks can cause Pomeranians and other small dogs to become hyperactive and even suffer from seizures, so they cannot consume them. Stick to water or dog-safe juices for your Pomeranian if you want to keep him healthy and safe.

30. Alcohol:

If you have a Pomeranian, you may wonder whether there are some foods you shouldn’t feed them. Keeping alcohol out of your Pom’s reach is one of the biggest no-nos. Just like humans, alcohol can be hazardous for dogs and can even be fatal. Be sure to keep any alcoholic beverage out of reach of your dog. 

31. Raw Meat and Fish:

The Pomeranians have sensitive stomachs, so they can’t eat raw meat or fish. Pomeranian owners can feed them cooked meat and fish as long as they are adequately cooked. These foods can contain harmful bacteria that can cause your Pomeranian to become very ill. Always err on the safe side and ask your vet if you are unsure whether something is safe for your Pomeranian to eat.

32. Human Medicine:

If you suspect that your Pomeranian has ingested human medicine, you must seek professional medical attention as soon as possible. Medications are toxic to Pomeranians, and if you think your Pomeranian has eaten a pill, you should seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

Can a Pomeranian eat rice?

Whether it is brown or white rice that your dog eats, rice is straightforward to digest for dogs and may alleviate upset stomachs. You can feed rice to your dog either alone or combined with a little bit of protein, like chicken or turkey.

What are Pomeranians allergic to?

Shampoo, detergent, latex, and cleaning products are common contact allergens for Pomeranians. Pollen, grass, perfumes, and dust mites can trigger a skin reaction when inhaled by Pomeranians. Food allergies can also occur in Pomeranians.

What are Pomeranians scared of?

Pomeranian dogs are known for being terrified of thunderstorms, panicking if fireworks are in the air, and being scared of vacuum cleaners, among other issues.

Why does Pomeranian cry?

Pomeranians who are stressed often whine. They may pace, or they may sit in one place. She may be worried if you know that your Pom does not have to go potty outside.

Why does my Pomeranian follow me everywhere?

Follow your dog everywhere to sign that they trust you, love you, and feel safe with you. Following you closely can mean boredom, a desire for something, fear, or being nosy.


Pomeranian dogs have an exceptionally active, alert, and playful nature. There are certain foods you should not feed your Pomeranian if you are concerned about its health and happiness. Please remember that this list needs to be more comprehensive and that you should consult your veterinarian before giving your Pomeranian any food. You should consult your veterinarian before giving your Pomeranian any food, as some foods may be too rich or fatty for their digestive system.

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